

*available to business users only

Get the information you need without chasing emails and messages.


With Survey, you send Fraim to ask questions for individuals, groups, or the entire company. Send a Survey, and Fraim will gather responses and follow up with recipients if needed. You get a consolidated summary of responses, and can query Fraim for details.


When you send a Survey, you can choose whether respondents can query results. This function can be customised using the Fraim Webapp.

Sending Surveys

On the Home Page, click the ⚡️ symbol to access the Action menu, select Survey and enter one or more questions. Recipients will be able to respond to your Survey as part their next Morning Brief.

Surveys can be edited or deleted via the Webapp.

Seeing Responses

Fraim will notify you once responses have been collected. In a new Conversation, Fraim will give you a summary of the responses. Query Fraim for details about particular responses, or get specific insights.