

*available only to business users

Cut through the noise with important announcements that are sure to get across.


Fraim is designed to maximise focus and minimise distractions. With Announcements, share important updates in the Morning Brief, and get the message through without disrupting the day.

Send Announcements to individuals, groups or the entire company.

Strategic Communication

Messaging apps like Slack and Teams work great for sending ad hoc messages. Announcements in Fraim are scheduled, and designed for one-way sharing of information that impacts work coordination. Announcements work best when targeted to specifically relevant audience, so you can maximise engagement.

Sending Announcement

On the Home Page, click the ⚡️ symbol to access the Action menu, select Announcement and enter your text. The Announcement will appear in the next Morning Brief of your selected audience.

Once sent, Announcements can’t be edited or deleted.