Website Directory


Structure and visualise the progress of categorised company wide goals through Fraim's Webapp. Here are the pages that will steer you operationally.


In Fraim’s Webapp, you navigate between 5 pages.


Dashboard is where you visualise employee engagement through understanding attendance to routine Morning Briefs and task completion. Using filters, data can be manipulated to understand trends in employees input into Fraim.


View company wide goals on Fraim’s webapps Goal page.

Filter organisational goals between groups and individuals to see allocated goals, progression, impact and workload. Here you can review, approve, edit, filter, track and create new goals.


Organisational structures can look different by using Fraim to decrease unnecessary levels of middle management. The Team page is where new users can be added to Fraim and grouped into teams as needed. You can also visualise activity and engagement by team member, view reports and focus.

Schedule Survey

Understand business rhythms and set surveys to support ongoing flows. Surveys should be utilised to eliminate meetings where a group of people do not need to be in the same room together, gather company wide data or, run employee pulse checks.

Surveys can target specific users and groups in addition to other preferences such as access to results.

*Only users with Management level can access the Schedule Survey page.


Your strategy and priorities will shape individual goals and this is where you store and update them. These are logged at a Company, Team and individual level.

*Only users with Management level can access the Strategy page.

Currently, the webapp is available to business accounts only.