

Visualise an entire companies strategic focus on one page.


This goals page on Fraim’s webapp is designed to enable leadership to visualise the companies entire strategic efforts in one place. Review, suggest, edit, track, and filter goals anytime to understand and shape strategic initiatives.

Goal Progression

Goals will progress across this timeline based on what is submitted via the mobile app. can be moved across the various columns by drag and drop.


Suggested goals from team members through the mobile app.


Currently allocated to team member on company goal space and in progress.


Team member has submitted goal at 100% and waiting approval of completion by leadership.


Accepted by management as 100% achievement of what was set out in goal.


Not completed and no longer in progress.

Goal Approval


Click + next to suggested to add goal. Drag and drop goals across the various columns.

This will be updated in the teams mobile app.

Mobile App

Goals are added by individuals via Actions in the mobile app. Once suggested, goals are moved through an approval process with their line manager with feedback until accepted or rejected.

Goals added via the mobile app will show in the Webapp’s suggested column until decision process has been completed and moved into Active.

Filter Goals

By Year

View annual goals.

Click the year button situated in the top right corner of the web app to filter by a specific year.

By Owner

View an individuals goals.

Click the filter button located in the top left corner of the web app and select "Owner".

By Manager

Review a manager's individual goals alongside the goals of their direct reports. Click the filter button located in the top left corner of the web app and select "Manager".