

In a conversation, can I go back to review the last message?

Yes! You can. While you are in the conversation window you can review previous messages in the thread by swiping down. You can only view previous messages within the same conversation (eg. Morning Brief, Daily Reflection, Weekly Review) and not from previous conversations.

Still can't find it? Reach out to our support team by:

Email -

Phone (9am to 5pm AEST) - 03 8376 8066

Chat (9am to 5pm AEST) - Click the chat icon in the bottom right to talk to our

Why have my tasks disappeared?

To help you keep a clear head your tasks will automatically archive after 3 days of inactivity. Don't fret - you can still access them!

  1. Open the task list

  2. Swipe down on the list

  3. Your completed and archived tasks should appear

Still can't find them? Reach out to our support team by:

Email -

Phone (9am to 5pm AEST) - 03 8376 8066

Chat (9am to 5pm AEST) - Click the chat icon in the bottom right to talk to our support team

My referral code is not working!

If you are attempting to redeem a referral discount code and it is not working our team can generate a new one for you.

Please contact our support team by:

Email -

Phone (9am to 5pm AEST) - 03 8376 8066

Chat (9am to 5pm AEST) - Click the chat icon in the bottom right to chat to our support team